Install Mosquitto Mqtt Broker on Windows-Ubuntu20.04 based PC

Mqtt is a one of the leading protocol in Internet of things. The Mqtt stands for Message Queuing telemetry transport. This protocol is based on PUB-SUB model.  The Broker, Publisher and a subscriber are required for the communication. This protocol operates over Wi-Fi..

 The Publisher client publishes the message over certain topic  to the broker and this message can be received by any client subscriber which is subscribed to the broker over this topic. Thus publisher does not which client is receiving this message and the subscriber client does not know which publisher has transmitted the message. Mqtt is a lightweight protocol hence can be easily used by Constrained application based device where low memory is available like microcontrollers, Arduino, Raspberry pi etc,

Mosquitto Mqtt Broker

Install Mosquitto Mqtt Broker on Windows based PC(mqtt server windows)

The Eclipse Mosquitto Mqtt Broker is a free mqtt broker it is also open source broker which is lightweight.It can be installed on windows mUbunu,mac,Debian etc based devices or Pcs.Visit the site of  Eclipse Mosquitto mqtt  download page and check out the suitable setup file for your os.

As we are interested in windows based setup file select one as per your pcs configuration and download it. After downloading click on the setup file and then installation starts for Mqtt Broker.

Click on Next

Select Service option and click on next.

Select Destination Folder and click on next. I have selected destination folder as E:\mosquittobroker

Then we get setup complete window. Click on Finish. So Mosquitto Mqtt Broker is installed on your PC.

Now visit the destination folder where the mosquitto mqtt broker is installed. The folder looks like as below.

Check these files as given below.

mosquitto.conf: In this file,the configuration for mqtt Broker can be set. Example Port selection 1883 etc.

mosquitto:This is the application file which can be run to start the mqtt Broker

mosquitto_passwd:This file can be used to set the user name and password for establishing connection with Mqtt Broker

mosquitto_pub : This file can be run to publish the the message form publisher client.

mosquitto_sub: Run this file to receive the published message arrived at the broker end for the particular topic.

Here the process of install mosquitto broker on windows is complete.

Let us see how to use mosquitto mqtt broker in windows?

Start the Moquitto Mqtt Broker

Press Windows+R key and type cmd.

The command prompt window will open.

Just go to the mosquitto mqtt broker folder(e.g, E:\mosquittobroker).

Type the command mosquitto -v 

Run this command then you can see the window like this

The window shows the mosquitto Mqtt ver 2.0.14 broker has started running. it is listening the port 1833 .This shows how to check mqtt version?.

To ger more details about seeting up Mosquitto Mqtt Broker on Window Visit this video

Install mqtt broker on ubuntu

To install Mosquitto Broker which is a free mqtt broker on the Ubuntu based systems follow the steps as given below.

Step 1..  First update Mosquitto-dev PPA to your repositories list by ruuning the command from the terminal.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa

Step 2. Run the following command from the terminal.

sudo apt-get update

Step 3. Run the following command to install mosquitto Broker from the terminal.

sudo apt-get install mosquitto

Step 4. Run the following command  to install mosquitto clients from the terminal.

Check the status of the broker by running the command 

systemctl status mosquitto.service

To stop the service of the Broker use the command

systemctl stop mosquitto.service 

Let us see how to start mosquitto broker in linux

 To test the Mosquitto Mqtt Broker use all the commands for windows based broker and run them from the terminal.

To know more details watch this You Tube video

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