Use SSL-TLS with Mosquitto Broker


The Eclipse moquitto provides the open source message Broker which supports the Mqtt Protocol versions 5.0,3.11,3,1.The Mqtt protocol is a very lightweight and can be operated on microcontroller based systems like Raspberry Pi to computer PC servers. The Mqtt clients can be operated from the small microcontroller based sensor which are constrained.

The Mosquitto Brokers can be installed on your systems by visiting the Eclipse mosquitto Download page.Here the setup file suitable to various os can be downloaded and installed. IF want to How to setup the Mosquiito Broker on WIndows PC then click here.

Use TLS-SSl  with Mosquitto Broker

In this article, we are going to see how to use SSL\TLS with Mosqutto Broker or secure mosquitto Broker.With we ensure secure or encrypted  communication wtth Mqtt communication with the Mosquitto Broker.We will be OpenSSL utility to generate the CA key,CA certificates,Server key and Server certificate. We are using Ubuntu 20.04 based system here.

SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS(Transport Layer)  are protocols for implementing secure or encrypted link over LAN or WAN networks .OpenSSL provides the software utility for full featured cryptography and secure communication.

In order to install OpenSSL on Ubuntu based systems, run the following command from the terminal of the Ubuntu os.

sudo apt-get install openssl

After successful installation of openssl ,follow the steps as given below for generations of CA keys, CA certificates, Server keys and Server Certificates,

1. Create a CA key  for client

     openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048

This command generates ca.key having CA keys for the clients.

2. Create CA certificate  using the CA key

    openssl req -new -x509 -days 1833 -key ca.key -out ca.crt

This command generates the CA certificates for the client.

3. Create a broker key wout encryption

   openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

This command generates keys for Broker which can be used to .csr file.

4. Request for Broker certificate.Create .csr file with broker key

   openssl req -new -out server.csr -key server.key

This command geberates request for Broker cerificate i.e. .csr file

 5  Create a broker certificate 

    openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 360

This command generates server certificate which is valid fro 360 days.

Before executing these command, create one folder(certs) to save the certificates and key files.

Run the terminal from this folder.

Step 1: Generate key file for the client

Generate keys for the clients by executing this command. As a result ca.key file will be generated.

openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048

Run this command from the terminal.

The system will prompt to enter and reenter password. I entered 1234 as password for the ca.key file.

Step 2: Generate CA certificate file

Generate CA certificate file using ca.key file for the client by running the following command from the terminal.

As a result, ca.crt file will be generated. Here the ca.key file is required.

openssl req -new -x509 -days 1833 -key ca.key -out ca.crt

The system asks for the password for ca.key file. Enter the password. You can do the similar entries to provide the information asked for. In order to leave the entry blank enter . and the press enter.

Step 3:Generate Keys for Server or Broker without encryption

The keys for server or Broker are generated by running the command  from the terminal. As a result,the server.key file is generated.

openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

Step 4: Request for Broker certificate or generate .csr file with server keys

The request for Broker certificate can be made by using the following command. As a result, ,server.csr file is generated.

openssl req -new -out server.csr -key server.key

You can provide the information as shown in the image or you can enter different info as required. Please enter the Common name as your PC ip or PC name. I have entered Ip of my pc as shown in the image. The information regarding exstra attribute is not privided as we signing the certificate on our own.

Step 5  Generate Broker certificate

To generate the Broker or server certificate run the command as given below. This command requires .csr and CA certificate and CA key file.

openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 360 

As per the command out file generated is server.crt and will be valid for 360 days.

Enter the ca.key file password when it is asked for. So all the required files are generated. I have these files in the folder  as shown below.

Modify the Mosquitto.conf file or .conf file

To implement the SSL/TLS .the names of CA certificate file,server key file and server certificate file are to be entered into the .conf file along with the path as shown below.

Modified conf file

Here the port is 8883 is added for secure connection.Also mention the tls version for my Mosquitto Broker it is tlsv1.2.

Testing SSL-TLS with Mosquitto Broker or secure mosquitto broker

We will test SSL_TLS implementation on mosquitto mqtt Broker.So start the Mosquitto Broker using the command from the terminal with modidied test.conf file..

Note that the broker is running and listening to the ports 1883 and 8883(secure port used for SSL communication).So it now have become secure mosquitto broker.

Start new terminal run the Subscriber command (mosquitto_sub) specifying CA certificate file along with it's path for the publisher client.

 In the image above,you can see cafile name along with name has been specifed and tls version is also mentioned. When command is executed, the subscriber client joins the broker over secure port 8883.
Her the host name IP is IP for my computer.You can use ip for the your computer.To know the IP,run ifconfig command from the terminal and note the IP.

Now run the command for publisher client specifying the ca file and tls version over the port 8883.
Run the command from the new terminal. The message published is msg1

In the image above,you can see the message has successfully published by the publisher client over the secure port with SSL encryption and same is received by the subcriber.

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