Mqtt-Popular Network Protocol for IOT

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MQTT  (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)  was developed by IBM in the late 1990s and was initially used in the oil and gas industry for remote monitoring and control applications. The protocol has since gained popularity in the Internet of Things (IoT) space due to its simplicity, low overhead, and efficient use of network resources.

What MQTT Protocol?

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight communication protocol designed for low-power and low-bandwidth devices such as sensors, actuators, and consumer electronics. It is a publish/subscribe-based messaging protocol that enables devices to communicate with each other and with other systems in a decentralized manner.

One of the key features of MQTT is its publish/subscribe model, which allows devices to publish messages (also known as "topics") to a broker (server) and for other devices to subscribe to these topics to receive the messages. This decouples the communication between devices, making it easier to add, remove, or update devices without disrupting the overall system.

Another key feature of MQTT is its use of Quality of Service (QoS) levels, which allow clients to specify the level of reliability they require for message delivery. There are three QoS levels in MQTT:
  • QoS 0: This is the lowest QoS level and is used for "fire and forget" messages, where the message         is delivered at most once and no confirmation is required.
  • QoS 1: This is the intermediate QoS level and is used for "at least once" delivery, where the broker will attempt to deliver the message multiple times until it receives an acknowledgement from the client.
  • QoS 2: This is the highest QoS level and is used for "exactly once" delivery, where the broker will ensure that the message is delivered exactly once by using a four-step handshaking process.
In addition to these features, MQTT also has a number of other characteristics that make it well-suited for IoT applications:
  • It uses a simple ASCII-based command and response format, which makes it easy to implement and debug.

  • It has a small packet size (typically 2-256 bytes), which allows it to be used over low-bandwidth and high-latency networks.

  • It supports multiple authentication and encryption mechanisms, which allows clients to securely connect to brokers and transmit sensitive data.

  • It has a lightweight client library, which allows it to be used on devices with limited resources such as microcontrollers.

How Mqtt Works?

Mqtt Comm

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a publish/subscribe-based messaging protocol that enables devices to communicate with each other and with other systems in a decentralized manner. The following is a brief description of how MQTT works:

  • A client (device) connects to a broker (server) using a TCP/IP connection and authenticates itself using a username and password.
  • The client can then publish messages (also known as "topics") to the broker, which are then broadcast to all other clients that have subscribed to the same topic.
  • The clients can also subscribe to specific topics, which allows them to receive messages published by other clients.
  • The clients can use Quality of Service (QoS) levels to specify the level of reliability they require for message delivery. There are three QoS levels in MQTT: QoS 0 (fire and forget), QoS 1 (at least once), and QoS 2 (exactly once).
  • The clients can also use Last Will and Testament (LWT) messages to specify a message that should be published to a topic if the client disconnects unexpectedly. This allows other clients to be notified of the disconnection and take appropriate action.
  • The communication between the clients and the broker is asynchronous, meaning that the clients do not need to wait for a response from the broker before sending or receiving further messages. This allows for efficient use of network resources and low latency.

Overall, MQTT allows devices to communicate with each other and with other systems in a decentralized manner, using a simple publish/subscribe model and flexible Quality of Service levels. This makes it well-suited for use in IoT applications where a large number of devices need to communicate with each other and with other systems.

What are advantages of Using Mqtt?

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol that is commonly used for communication in IoT (Internet of Things) applications. It is designed to be used in environments with limited resources, such as small embedded devices with limited memory and processing power.

Some advantages of using MQTT include:

  • It is a lightweight protocol, making it suitable for use in resource-constrained environments.
  • It has a simple and well-defined publish-subscribe model, which makes it easy to implement and use.
  • It has a low overhead, which makes it efficient for transmitting data over low-bandwidth networks.
  • It is designed for reliability, with features such as automatic retries and acknowledgments for missed messages.
  • It is open and standardized, which allows for interoperability between different devices and platforms.

Overall, MQTT is a popular choice for communication in IoT applications because it provides a simple and reliable way to send and receive data between devices.

Disadvantages of Mqtt Protocol

Although MQTT has many advantages, it also has some limitations and drawbacks that you should be aware of. Some potential disadvantages of using MQTT include:

  • It is a publish-subscribe protocol, which means that it is not well-suited for applications that require point-to-point communication.
  • It is not a secure protocol, as it does not provide encryption or authentication by default. This means that you need to implement your own security measures if you want to protect the data transmitted over MQTT.
  • It is not designed for large messages, so it may not be the best choice for applications that need to send or receive large amounts of data.
  • It is not suitable for real-time applications that require low latency, as it has some inherent delays in the publish-subscribe model.

The disadvantages of MQTT depend on the specific requirements of your application. If you need a lightweight and efficient protocol for communication in an IoT environment, MQTT may be a good choice. However, if you need more advanced features such as security or real-time communication, you may need to consider other options.

Security in Mqtt

When it comes to security, MQTT provides several mechanisms to help protect the integrity and confidentiality of the data transmitted over the network. These mechanisms include:

  • Authentication: MQTT supports different authentication mechanisms, such as username/password, X.509 certificates, and OAuth. This allows clients to prove their identity to the server and other clients.
  • Encryption: MQTT supports encryption of the data transmitted over the network using the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol. This ensures that the data cannot be read or modified by anyone who does not have the appropriate decryption keys.
  • Access control: MQTT provides mechanisms to control which clients are allowed to publish and subscribe to specific topics. This allows the server or other clients to restrict access to only those clients that have the necessary permissions.

Overall, MQTT provides a solid foundation for secure communication in IoT and other applications, but it is important to carefully configure and use these security mechanisms to ensure that your data is protected.

Role of mqtt protocol in IoT

The main role of mqtt protocol in IoT is to enable devices to communicate with each other and with the central server in a simple and efficient manner. MQTT is designed to be lightweight and easy to implement on small devices, which makes it an ideal choice for use in IoT applications where many devices may need to communicate over a limited network.

MQTT also provides mechanisms for controlling access to the data transmitted over the network, which is essential in IoT applications where different devices may have different roles and permissions. Additionally, MQTT supports encryption of the data transmitted over the network, which helps to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data.

Overall, MQTT plays a crucial role in enabling communication and data sharing in IoT applications, which is essential for realizing the full potential of the IoT.

Compare Mqtt with http

MQTT and HTTP are both communication protocols used for transferring data over a network. MQTT is a lightweight and efficient protocol designed for small data packets and low-bandwidth networks, while HTTP is a more comprehensive protocol often used for transferring larger data packets over high-bandwidth networks.

One key difference between MQTT and HTTP is the way they handle data. MQTT uses a publish-subscribe model, in which clients can subscribe to topics and receive messages whenever a new message is published to that topic. HTTP, on the other hand, uses a request-response model, in which clients make requests to a server and the server sends a response in return.

Another difference between MQTT and HTTP is the level of overhead they add to the data being transmitted. MQTT has a much lower overhead than HTTP, which makes it more efficient for transmitting small data packets. This makes MQTT well-suited for applications that require frequent communication with low data payloads, such as IoT devices. HTTP, on the other hand, is better suited for applications that require larger data payloads or more complex communication patterns.

MQTT and HTTP are both communication protocols, but they differ in their design, the way they handle data, and the amount of overhead they add to the data being transmitted. MQTT is a lightweight and efficient protocol designed for small data packets, while HTTP is a more comprehensive protocol often used for larger data payloads.

Future of mqtt

The future of MQTT looks bright, as the protocol is well-suited for many of the emerging technologies and trends in the field of computing and communication. As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow and more devices are connected to the internet, the need for efficient and lightweight communication protocols like MQTT will only increase.

Additionally, MQTT's low overhead and efficient use of network resources make it well-suited for use in edge computing and other distributed computing architectures. As these architectures become more widespread, MQTT is likely to play an important role in enabling efficient communication and data transfer between devices.

Another area where MQTT may be used in the future is in applications that require real-time communication and low-latency data transfer. MQTT's publish-subscribe model allows for efficient and reliable communication, making it well-suited for applications such as financial trading, gaming, and other real-time applications.

There are several free mqtt broker available online e.Mosquitto Broker,Hive Mq etc.


The future of MQTT looks bright, as the protocol is well-suited for many of the emerging technologies and trends in computing and communication. As the need for efficient communication and data transfer increases, MQTT is likely to become an increasingly important tool for developers and organizations.

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